The Bright Funds database is pre-populated with nonprofits, as well as schools.
The public school database is sourced through the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) site.
Most private schools are registered as 501(c)(3) public charities with an EIN (tax ID), and are sourced through GuideStar, a database of confirmed nonprofits.
Looking to donate to a PTA, PTO, Booster Club or Alumni group at the school? Most groups such as these are registered as public charities, and can be found searching their EIN in Bright Funds.
Public School Search
Verifying the school's NCES ID
Before you search, we recommend searching the NCES database so you have the school's NCES ID that can be used.
- Navigate to the NCES search page for public schools
- Search the school name; apply filters to narrow down your search as you find helpful
- Locate the school record
- Notate/copy the NCES ID (see below)
Searching for public schools
- Navigate to our Explore page and search your school name, or search from your dashboard.
- On the results page, toggle to the "Public schools" box, as shown below.
- You should see your school listed under their NCES appear.
Although you can give directly to public schools on Bright Funds, many schools also have an associated PTA, Alumni Association, or Boosters Club authorized to raise funds for them. Since these types of supporting nonprofits are considered actual nonprofits (not schools) you’ll find PTAs by searching in the Nonprofits category on Bright Funds and using their EIN. The best way to find out whether you should give directly to the school or the PTA is by contacting the school’s administrators.
Private School Search
Private schools and colleges are listed under the Nonprofits category on Bright Funds.
In most cases, colleges can found under a Foundation entity in Bright Funds. Additionally, private schools may be registered under a parent organization, such as a church. In some cases, private schools under a church may receive donations through the church's EIN.
Verify with your private school their EIN, as that would be the best way to confirm their record in Bright Funds.
If you’re having trouble finding your school, PTA or fundraising nonprofit, click the chat button or reach out to our team at, and we would be happy to help!
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