- Overview
- For one-time payroll donations
- For recurring payroll donations
- Timelines for payroll donations
- Deleting/canceling a payroll donation
If your company offers payroll giving, you will see it as an option on your donation checkout page.
When you select Payroll as a donation method, your donation will be deducted from an upcoming pay period.
After you have submitted your payroll donation, here is what to expect:
- Your donation will be sent to your company's payroll team.
- Your company will apply the donation to your upcoming pay period.
- Once your company confirms the donation has been applied with their payroll team, they will send a confirmation to the Bright Funds team.
- The confirmation will be uploaded to your My Donations page, listing your payroll donation and its match (if offered and selected).
For one-time payroll donations
When you opt to make a one-time payroll donation, you will be able to manage your payment up until it is sent to your company's payroll team. On your Bright Funds Dashboard, you will see the "Manage" link available if you would like to make any changes:
Once your one-time donation is sent to your company's payroll team, the "Manage" link will no longer appear, and the note will update to say "Sent to Payroll":
For recurring payroll donations
If you decide to make a recurring payroll donation, your Bright Funds Dashboard will have the "Manage" option available next to your recurring donation details. Should you decide to edit your recurring donation, you can do so at any time:
Timelines for payroll donations
Payroll donations will appear a few weeks after you submit your donation on Bright Funds. Donations are disbursed following a two-month timeline from the month your payroll donation appears on your My Donations page, but may extend beyond that timeframe. Bright Funds must receive the payroll and matching funds from your company before they can be disbursed.
Deleting/canceling a payroll donation
To cancel a payroll donations, click into the "Manage" text for your payroll donation. Scroll to the bottom, and you should see the "Cancel donation" option at the bottom of the page.
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