How to Give a Bright Gift
1. Navigate to your Bright Funds Dashboard, then to "My Gifts and Credits" in the left panel.
2. Click the box to "Send a Bright Gift" in the upper right corner of the page:
3. Select or enter the amount you would like to give and click "Personalize gift".
4. You can then choose one or multiple recipients to receive the Bright Gift, including coworkers or other recipients. Then you can write a message and select a background image (or upload your own).
5. Purchase the gift with your credit card (you will see a processing cost added to your purchase). You will receive an email confirmation after you give the Bright Gift. You can view the Bright Gifts you have given anytime on your "My Gifts and Credits" page.
The recipient(s) will receive an email notification that you have given them a gift!
Tax deductibility of a Bright Gift
All donations made through the Bright Funds platform are made directly to Bright Funds Foundation, a U.S. public charity (EIN 46-2109112), then distributed to global nonprofits. As a result, all donors will receive a donation receipt from a U.S. charity (even if the donation is directed to a nonprofit outside of the U.S.). Tax-deductibility will depend upon the laws of the country in which the donor resides.
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