If your company offers volunteering, you can discover volunteering opportunities and join in!
From your Dashboard or My Volunteering page, click on Find Volunteering.
Types of posted opportunities
Company posted
On the Company posted opportunities page, you can search for volunteering opportunities that your company or colleagues have posted. You can also adjust your search based on your location, distance, and date range in the left-hand panel.
When you find a company posted event that you're interested in attending, click into the opportunity, then select "Volunteer." The event creator will get in touch with you to provide more details.
Nonprofit posted
If your company offers Nonprofit posted opportunities, you'll also be able to search through events nonprofits have added. On this page, you can also browse by searching keywords.
When you find a nonprofit posted event that you’re interested in attending, click on the opportunity, then select “I would like to join.”
On the next page, write a message to the nonprofit, including any questions about the event. The nonprofit will then contact you with more details.
If you don't hear from the nonprofit within a few days, you can reach out to them directly.
If offered, your company may already have a list of volunteering activities verified. Under the Catalog search, you will be able to see company confirmed events that you can join.
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