Registered charities in good standing in the following countries listed below are included in Bright Funds. If you are a registered charity in one of these countries, you can contact Bright Funds to ensure your profile is up-to-date.
Charities/nonprofits in other countries outside the U.S. are added into Bright Funds via our partner, Charities Aid Foundation America (CAF-A).
If your charity/nonprofit is registered and eligible through CAF-A, your nonprofit is most likely eligible in Bright Funds.New charities/nonprofits based outside the U.S. are added to Bright Funds daily.
Can I add my nonprofit directly with you?
If your nonprofit is a registered charity in one of the following countries, please reach out to ensure your profile is up-to-date:
- Australia
- Belgium
- Brazil
- Canada
- France
- Germany
- India (must be FCRA registered)
- Ireland
- Israel
- Italy
- Japan
- Mexico
- Netherlands
- New Zealand
- Northern Ireland
- Poland
- Scotland
- Singapore
- Spain
- UK
All other nonprofits based outside the U.S. are sourced through Charities Aid Foundation America (CAF-A), as well as vetted internally by Bright Funds.
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